Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Video for The Royal We by Silversun Pickups

Yesterday, Silversun Pickups released a video for their 3rd single "The Royal We" from there latest album "Swoon". Songwise, it's really a great song, with nice progressive guitars and vocals that sound like they're coming from the soul. The video is not as good as the song, but it's worth a watch. It's really psychedelic, with weird surrealistic images and awkward close-ups of singer Brian Aubert. I have absolutely loved Silversun Pickups since I saw Muse in March, and if you don't think you like them, I suggest giving them a try.

The Royal We

1 comment:

dianasfaria.com said...

those close ups are awkward indeed - a great way to describe it DH.